Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Got my NRA Membership card- HA!

Lucky me. The good ole boys at the NRA had da nerve to send me a mbrship card, asking for $ of course. I hate the NRA (Naturally Republican Assholes) The lucky part is they sent me a return postage paid envelope! Another lucky part was that it was a red letter day for Junk Mail. Since those bastards won't take me off their mailing list (more proof they have waaay 2 much $$), I decided I would use their envelope and send a little mail of my own.

I added some of my "excess" mail to their envelope, then went on a search, more like a mission, to find statistics and other anti-gun propaganda. The best "hit" was the NRA hate list. I added my name to it. I'm now proud to be associated with the likes of Oprah, George Cloonie, the Kansas City Chiefs football team, Hallmark, Michael Eisner (Disney) and NBC.

I stuffed that envelope as full as I could get it and it's off in tomorrow's mail.

The End of a Perfect Day