Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Last Political Commentary By Me (I hope)

I’m a card carrying, dyed in the wool, bleeding heart LIBERAL DEMOCRAT. Now...see the little “X” up in the top right hand corner of this web page? Click it now or prepare to be pissed.

After the 2000 Presidential Selection, friends and family know better than to discuss, pass emails with jokes, defamatory comments or send cartoons regarding members of the Democratic Party. I in turn, still have friends and family that are of the “right” persuasion, and we have agreed to disagree and DO NOT, DO NOT send each other emails, make comments or tell jokes that could in any way be construed as political. This includes Pro-Liberal as well as Anti-Conservative. It pisses me off, it makes enemies, and it raises my blood pressure. I do not and have not watched any news program other than a little local news in a very long time. The News either is slanted for your Party or against them, and if it’s a ‘slow news’ day, you may hear a whole story on the significance of the color of a candidate’s tie worn during some speech or rally or whose wife bakes the best cookies. It seems however, that some people do not know about my imposed email ban or have not figured it out and now I must make a public comment in order to dissuade future comments, cartoons and emails.

I was recently sent a link of a biased video that attacks the name, the patriotism, the religious beliefs and the parents of Barack Obama.

The video points out the following “FACTS”:

1. Barack Obama refuses to wear an American Flag lapel pin.

When George W. Bush asked Americans to fly flags as a sign of solidarity, patriotism and unity back in 2001, I drove downtown to my local VFW chapter and purchased 2, one for myself and one for a coworker. I flew that flag (properly) in front of my house for a few years, but as the “war on terrorism” lingered and anti-American sentiment started spreading across not just the Middle East, but across many of our long-time ally countries in Europe, I did not feel so “Proud to be an American”. I took my flag down and haven’t flown it in over 4 years. I was still watching the “news” you see, and America was getting a big black eye over the fight to be Big Brother of the world. I made a trip abroad in 2005 and remember meeting a British family. I actually apologized to these people for the mess our country had gotten their country into.

2. Barack Obama does not put his hand over his heart during the singing of our national anthem.

Me either. Look for me at the next high school sporting event. I’ll be standing, but my hands will be at my side.

3. Michelle Obama (Mrs. Barack Obama) states she was not “Proud to be an American” until her husband started running for President.

I say, “What’s your point?” See Numbers 1 and 2.

4. Barack Hussein Obama are 3 Muslim names, which automatically makes him Muslim.

Yes they are and they sound kind of foreign to our “Lilly White Bread” ears. So do the names “Moon”, “Apple”, “Free” and “Rumour”. I didn’t like my name and wanted to change it to Sarah. Again, what’s your point? If you were semi-literate and have read anything about this man’s life, you would know that those 3 words and a basketball are the only things given to him by his father. In the autobiographical “Dreams From My Father”, Obama states this. What he doesn’t say in so many words that I will, is that his father wasn’t any kind of father at all, he was absent and had no influence in his life. He was basically a sperm donor whom Barack met once before the Sr. Obama was killed in an automobile accident.

5. Barack Obama attended a Muslim school for 2 years in Indonesia.

Considering the conditions and political climate of Indonesia 30+ years ago, he was lucky to have received any formal education at all. In fact, his mother was so displeased with the quality of the education system in that country that she woke her son up at 4am every school day and supplemented his public education with some good old homeschooling.

6. Barack Obama did not approve of Don Imus’ remarks about the Rutgers Womens’ Basketball team and stated he (Imus) would not be working on his (Obama’s) staff.

Am I missing something here? Imus is a jerk and an idiot to make a remark like that. Most of the country thought/thinks so too.

7. Because of his 20 year association with Rev. Wright, Barack Obama is: Racist, Marxist, Quasi-Christian, and Anti-Semitic.

Once again I must delve into my known associations: father is a Conservative agnostic, I have worked for the last 10 years with a man who is a white racist, card carrying NRA member and hasn’t stepped into a church in over 30 years unless a wedding, funeral or baptism of a grandchild was taking place. The man jokingly calls himself a back-slidden Methodist. Is that what makes us? Our long time associations? Do these people that we don’t agree with have any worth in our lives? Of course they do. We do not have to agree with someone’s politics, religion, or opinions to have successful, unbiased friendships. Strangely, I love both of these 2 people deeply, in spite of their ignorant opinions.

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